How to improve your Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is a technical, content, and Authority optimization strategy for a website, with the sole purpose of improving its rankings in organic search engine results pages (SERPs). All meaning better traffic and high conversion rate in general. There are three main concepts in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), these are Relevance, Discoverability, and Crawl-ability.

With that said, here are our top 10 tips on how to improve your Search Engine Optimization:

1. Keyword Research
This practice forms the first, primary step in SEO optimization. Research takes time to figure out the terms used by people or visitors on your site, these terms aid in making your page relevant.

2. Advice from SEO Sources Online
Choose the source of your information carefully. Trustworthy and Credible sites are important to consider; since there is far too wrong information scattered online often in SEO Forums.

3. Up-to-Date, Understandable web coding
This task is of utmost benefit to your site. This practice makes it easy for search engines to locate and understand your website. So up-to-date coding CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), should be used to diminish the extent of formatting in an HTML page code.

4. Plain, Simple & Easy to Use Navigation System
Make your navigation system as easy to use as possible. This practice can be made possible by acts such as incorporating clear text links spread out across your page. Always keep the navigation as plain, and simple as possible.

5. Acquire Links for Trusted, Relevant Sources
Links act like a vote for your site and are a primal demand for well-ranking your site. All in all, always think Quality, not Quantity.

6. Sitemap Page
Build a sitemap page. The importance of this is far more than word can express. By having a sitemap, a search engine will now be able to discover each page on your website. So make your sitemap, brief but with rich keyword descriptions of the pages available, especially if your site has many pages.

7. Don’t Overlook Technical Stuff
Ignorance is ill advised here. With a lot happening in the background of your website, several technical problems can highly affect search engines view of your site. So always be keen and never overlook any elements.

8. Track Your Progress using Web Analytic Programs
A variety of choices are available, such as Google Analytic, which is primarily free, versatile and very easy to use.

9. Inform Search Engines of your Location Online
This practice can be accomplished by submitting site details, to the search engines. Although it does not guarantee or better positions in search results, it sure is a good place to start.

10. Never Forget It’s all About Content (Content is King)
Great, up-to-date content is the key to ultimate SEO optimization. This practice, will not only get you high rankings on search engines but also place a good word to your visitors.



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