Is Blogging Still Relevant?

Blogging: Why it’s Still Relevant for your Business in 2022

With so many new and exciting options to invest time into for your digital marketing strategy, many marketers are asking whether blogging is still relevant for businesses in 2022. 

Blogging is absolutely still relevant for your business. However, just like many features of a good marketing strategy, it’s essential to know when you need to adapt and change. This is where you should place your focus on blogging rather than dropping it altogether. 

If you’re looking for a consistent return in traffic and conversions, blogging continues to offer an efficient way to generate leads. Within this article, we’ll share the consistent benefits of blogging as well as some tips on refreshing your strategy to reach your full potential. 

Benefits of Blogging

Blogging can drive valuable traffic to your website

Consider the routes your audience might take to find your website. They might follow a link from social media or an email. They could search for your business name within a search engine or they could even click on a Google or social media ad. But, you would need to pay to promote this.

Luckily, blogging offers a low-cost alternative to promote your business. Internet users have millions of questions that they enter into search engines every day. The majority of these questions are answered by blog posts. 

This is why demonstrating your expertise within your particular niche is a fantastic way to attract traffic that can generate new leads. 

Productively contributes to your SEO strategy

Blogging drives traffic to your site, but it offers a host of opportunities to boost other aspects of your SEO strategy. By carefully selecting rewarding keywords, you can improve metrics that indicate success for your website. 

When creating a website for your business, most keywords relating to your products or services will typically be short-tail terms that are highly competitive. With a blog, you can produce content for long-tail keywords, which may receive less traffic but are far less competitive to rank for.

Users who read your content will increase dwell time, reduce bounce rates and generate new leads, improving your overall SEO outcomes. 

Create opportunities for linking (internal and external linking)

Whether or not you already have a blog built into your website, you can harness it further to improve your website’s authority and search engine optimisation. 

With a well-structured organisation, you can use internal linking to efficiently encourage readers to move between pages on your website. Using relevant anchor text and locations within your blog post will indicate to readers and crawlers where you want to take them next.

You can also use your content to generate external backlinks, boosting your SEO efforts and website authority. If you can offer unique information, you’ll find that professionals in your industry are willing to link to your content to share it with their audience. 

Boost your social media presence

Blogs and social media accounts are both vital components of your online presence. Marketers can use both channels to communicate and interact with their audiences in meaningful ways. 

Although you might be contributing to them both separately, you aren’t benefitting from a successful multichannel approach to marketing. Encouraging engagement and interaction with your blog posts through social media channels can generate essential feedback and expand your audience reach.

Generate long term results

Unlike social media posts, blogging offers a long shelf life and return on investment. While social media posts are typically relevant for a few hours or even a day, audiences quickly lose interest in posts created a long time ago.

Viral posts can build some traction for a while, but the next best thing always rolls around eventually. There’s also no specific formula to guarantee that your next piece of content will go viral. 

On the other hand, blogging offers a long-term investment and growth. Focusing on creating evergreen content that will produce a steady stream of traffic over time is much more valuable for long-term results.

Blogging Tactics that are No Longer Relevant

The expectations of search engines and their users become more sophisticated each year. Search engines constantly refine their results pages to direct customers to the exact information they need.

Due to this particular evolution, the way you create and optimise your content needs to meet today’s standards. The following tactics are techniques that may have been popular during previous years. But could now harm your content strategy rather than help. 

  • Publishing daily

Whilst many marketers are desperate to get as many chances to rank on search engines as possible, creating daily posts isn’t always the most effective way to increase your traffic. 

Frequent posting for startup businesses can help you gain some traction; it’s easy to burn out. Trying to create high-quality content every day will take away focus from the service or product you are trying to promote. 

Shifting to a lower posting frequency whilst maintaining a high-quality schedule will increase the value of your content and generate higher-quality traffic.

  • Covering too many topics

The internet is over-saturated with millions of results for every search term. Attempting to rank for as many relevant terms as possible only adds to the noise. 

To benefit from the vast amount of traffic that plenty of keywords and phrases offer, you’ll need to generate bespoke, high-quality content. That is SEO optimised and demonstrates your expertise. 

Selecting particular topics to write blog posts on will give you the time and resources to create one excellent piece of content to rank highly, rather than ten mediocre articles that are less successful. 

  • Trying to rank for the same keyword across your website.

When targeting similar keywords within your niche, you need to be cautious of keyword cannibalisation. This occurs when several of your website’s pages compete for the same rankings within the search engine.

If you have multiple pages present for one particular keyword, you’ll notice reduced click-through rates, lower conversions, and dispersed traffic across your page. A comprehensive post that ranks highly would offer much higher interaction and conversion rates.

Instead of attempting to capitalise on each variation of a keyword, select broader variations that you can focus on within the same post. 

  • Attracting random visitors

Many business owners aren’t alone in thinking that generating as much traffic as possible to your website is the most efficient way to increase sales and generate revenue. Unfortunately, even if you succeed in this venture, you might not find the success that you’re looking for.

By attracting random users to your website who aren’t interested in your products, services or information, you’re harming your blogging strategy rather than helping it. Users who discover your website, but aren’t interested in your services, will increase your bounce rate and decrease dwell time on your website. 

Ways to Boost your Blogging Strategy

Just as specific blogging methods have become less popular over time, there are up-and-coming techniques and features to include within your blogging to make it more relevant:

Video content

Video consumption within digital marketing materials is rapidly expanding. 9 out of 10 customers stated that they want to see businesses and brands include more videos within their current content formats. 

Embedding videos in your blog posts and uploading them to YouTube is a great way to engage your target audience with helpful content. The more value you can provide during their time on your website, the higher the opportunity for lead conversions. 

Keep content fresh and current

Google has made its preference for relevant content clear. However, this doesn’t mean you have to publish a new piece of content whenever a small change occurs in your industry. 

Instead, keep your existing content up-to-date to show search engines that you put time and effort into creating valuable resources. By doing this, Google will reward your website with improved or sustained rankings. Which will keep traffic flowing to your website.

Optimise for search engines

Search engine optimisation is an ongoing practice of tweaking your website to satisfy the ranking factors imposed by Google and other search engines. SEO isn’t just a one-time activity; it’s an ongoing process that requires current knowledge of the best practices for your blog. 

Optimising your content before publishing will help you to rank quickly initially. You’ll need to optimise features such as headings, title tags, and meta descriptions following the current guidance. However, as algorithms change, you might need to return to older blog posts to ensure they are well-optimised in relation to the latest advice. 

Final Thoughts

There is plenty of discussion across the digital marketing landscape about the current relevance of blogging for your business. With continued interest in social media and new attention on virtual and augmented reality, it’s clear that blogging may be regarded as a more straightforward approach to generating brand attention. 

Despite this, there are plenty of benefits still offered by good blog posts. As long as your content is high-quality, offers unique value, and is informative, search engines will continue to reward your website with good rankings. 

Millions of potential customers utilise search engines each day. So, it’s impossible to ignore the benefits of creating a presence with a blog content strategy. 

Contact our team today at Pinnacle Internet Marketing to discuss how we can help make your blogging stay relevant and improve your digital marketing strategy.


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