What is Conversion Rate Optimisation?


Conversion rate optimization (CRO) turns your website visitors into actual customers and this can happen on any page on your site including your blog page as well as on social media. CRO is the process of making your site hit the right mark, to increase the chances that your visitors will complete a specific action, such as buying something. The important elements of CRO are:


CRO should focus on trying to convert those visitors who are most important, i.e. those who intend to make a purchase. Targeting this group is known as segmentation, as opposed to a broad-brush approach by trying to optimise your site to convert everyone.

Content & Design

CRO can be achieved using marketing software to create smart content for specific visitors, reinforced through a targeted call to action. Good content needs to be focused, using concise, descriptive language and selective words. The design of your pages can also be tested and changed to see what works best. A design test should include page layout, colour, alignment and other factors which can impact on the number of clicks you get. Running A/B tests to determine what works best is an effective way to increase your conversion rate. In basic terms, A/B testing is where you set up two different landing pages to test which version has the highest conversion rate. This way, you’ll know what content works best. Expert advice says A/B testing should be ongoing in a bid for continuous improvement.

Customer journey analysis

CRO involves understating your customers’ journeys and analysing them to improve conversion rates. The ‘journey’ begins with seeing your advertisement, finding out about your brand, visiting your site, buying something, then using your after-sales service. This insight helps with CRO by showing where conversion is taking place and where it isn’t.

Collecting Feedback

Collecting feedback will help to optimise your conversion rate by finding out what your visitors/customers actually like and want. A popular way of doing this is by using the Net Promoter Score, which is based on a 1-10 score for the question ‘Are you likely to recommend us to a friend?’.

All these tests and surveys actually lead to a better and more natural user experience that will encourage rather than force customers to buy into your site, thereby increasing your conversion rate optimisation.

is your business utilising conversion rate optimisation? Please leave your comments below…


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